With the rapid growth of Big data technologies , there has been an exponential growth of data science and its related technologies. This has has also led to the demand for data scientists and also the jobs related to data science are very lucrative. Microsoft has been steadily expanding it s cloud based offerings and also getting into big Data related technologies and efforts. Since there is tremendous need for Data science skills, Microsoft has come forward to offer a curriculum totally devoted to Data Science. This curriculum is offered via edx.org. There are a total of 9 courses and the price per course ranges from $49-$99. There is also a final project for which around 6-10 hours is required. One can check the link below for all the details:
The courses cover from Use Microsoft Excel to explore data to Iimplement a machine learning solution for a given data problem. Each of the course can be done a auditing course or one can upgrade to get a validity certificate on passing the course. Each of the courses have Labs ,Quizzes and discussion forums, the discussion forums can be use to get questions answered related to the concepts being discussed. I hope the courses provide the much needed insights into Data Science.