Monday, March 8, 2010

SQL Saturday Warpup

The sql saturday seesion which was organised in Charlotte was a super successful event. The event had a lot of sessions by around 14 MVP's with topics ranging from SQL Server Internals to Data Mining. These events are now going to be owned by PASS. The topics which i attended included Integrating Reporting Services With Sharepoint, Adding Bells and Whistles to Reporting services these were done by MVP Jessica Moss, PowerShell for Data Professionals by MVP Aaron Nelson ( and Harnessing Power Pivot By Rushabh Mehta(Managing Director, Solid Quality India Private Limied), Intorduction to SSIS packages by MVP Andy Leonard( . All the sessions were very information and interesting with a lot  of tips thrown in by professionals. It was definitely an eye opener for me with respect to PowerShell and PowerPivot with range and capabilties of these tools. Apparently there are more than 240 projects in codeplex for PowerShell, it was amazing to see the power of the powershell scripts. It also was evident from some of the presentations that Micorsoft is pushing sharepoint as a mjor presentation platform for BI. All the sessions I attended were packed to capacity with folks eager to know what is coming up next, of course the best thing was the whole event was free. This was my first sql saturday camp experience hoping to attend more in the future.

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