Friday, July 17, 2009

Data Mining...

Yesterday i had been to a Data Mining Conference in Cary,NC. The topic of presentation was about the usefulness of Data Mining and utilising the JMP Software for Data Mining. The JMP software came out of SAS, this is more aimed for the Desktop users who want to perform Data Mining tasks, there are 2 versions available 32-bit and 64-bit. One of the Key factors mentioned about Data Mining was that around 60-90% of the time is spent in the Preparation of data. The key aspect in Data mining projects is to define the Business goal/problem statement clearly. The lecture was delived by Dick De Veaux, is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Williams College in Williamstown, MA. Once can google on his name to find out about his talks on Data Mining. There were Data Mining Methods Discussed which are part of the SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services Suite. The talk also bought about the differences between methods used for Descriptive and Predictive Data. For any one intesrested in the Jmp software, here is the web site:

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